Archive of ‘Introductions’ category

The Bhagavad Gita

Describe ways in which you feel like Arjuna.
I too have many things in my life where I tend to over-estimate the effort needed to complete certain tasks, such as doing my homework. Then, I start putting it off until I am left with a frustratingly small amount of time to complete my work. I always feel much better, however, when I get it done right away.

How could you specifically apply the message of the Bhagavad Gita?
My life in general would be better if I applied the message of the Bhagavad Gita. My time would be better managed, and important things like homework and chores would be done sooner and better.

How would the ancient Indian perspective of the Bhagavad Gita be VERY different than the 21st Century American perspective of doing one’s duty?
The Bhagavad Gita then would have been about more important/life affecting decisions, such as Ajuna going to war rather than me doing my homework.

Now, venture back to ancient India. Think of a way the Bhagavad Gita could be used as a tool of oppression?
Members of the upper class could have used the Bhagavad Gita to oppress the lower class because the lower classes were unable to read and write.

Feng Shui

I chose to Feng Shui my bookbag, because I never really got the chance to organize my classes for this year and my papers were getting a little ‘out-of-hand’. Prior to organizing my bag, I only had 3 folders, with all my papers mixed into any random folder. Now, I have 4 binders aswell for my main courses. The papers I am currently using for each class will get their own folder, and the rest will be stored in the binders in my locker.


Before organizing my bookbag, it was very frustrating trying to find all my papers in class.  Afterwards, it is very easy to swiftly pull out the class-designated binder/folder and get my papers.  I know I can be much more relaxed when all my papers are organized.

The Five Elements & Bagua

My binders and folders represent Water, Fire, and Wood.  These are associated with passion/emotion, relaxation/inspiration, growth/expansion.



Taoist Walk

The 300 year-old tree was the most interesting thing I saw on the Taoist walk.

Mr. Sturtevant chilling by the tree.

My experience on the Taoist walk was the perfect segway into autumn.  I had been on that path once before, and the two occasions were quite different.  The first time I walked with friends in the beginning of summer, so the path was hot and we were all fairly loud.  The second time, however, was very pleasant.  The air was slightly chilly, which kept me focused, and the whole forest had an earthy/fall smell.  There were small, bright yellow flowers in certain places, and I was able to hear most things around me such as the leaves crunching as I walked.  I felt very peaceful during the entire experience.  I didn’t really think about anything in particular on the walk, however, and mainly thought about what I was seeing and hearing around me.  Overall, the experience was wonderful.  I felt I understood a piece of Taoism through my connection to nature, and I hope to experience it again.

How I Plan to Grow in 1181

I am very excited to be enrolled in World Civ (1181) this year because of the numerous opportunities it offers. For starters, the content is very different from any history class that I’ve taken previously, as it focuses on certain religions and cultures which most teachers tend to avoid. I’ve had a growing interest in expanding my knowledge of other cultures for some time now, and 1181 is the perfect place to start. Besides the content of the class, I am also interested in what I can learn from the teaching style and structure. This will be my first college-level class, and I welcome any techniques that can help me become a more successful student, both in high school and college.